So we’re seven days into the search for #14votes, and there are probably another seven days to go.
There’s good news and bad news.
The good news is, we have an extraordinary band of volunteer scrutineers who have very quickly got the hang of the job, whether they’ve been able to donate an hour, a day or a week. The other good news is, they have found a lot more than 14 misplaced votes – our efforts are working, and our call for a recount has been entirely justified.
The bad news is, there is no way of knowing which way the balance will tip in the final count, because scrutineers for the various parties have found misplaced votes going every which way – hundreds of them.
With a week to go, our volunteers are in need of a rest and some of them have given as much time as they’re able. If you’re in WA is there any chance you could pick up the phone, right now or fairly soon, and give us a bell on (08) 9335 7477? We urgently need to fill out the roster for mid-late next week for the final push, to give us the best chance of holding on to the seat. You’ll be provided with a quick induction, lunch and occasionally beer. Also good company, cameraderie, and the knowledge that you’re buying us another few years to work on things like this.
I’ve been utterly humbled by the amazing show of support over the last few weeks, and I also want to thank the officers and staff of the Australian Electoral Commission for their professionalism and even-handedness. We’re close. All this picture needs is you.