full circle perth launch
Full Circle First Birthday Book Launch
Presented by WA Climate Leaders in collaboration with Beaufort Street Books.
Tuesday May 24, 2022
6pm for 6.30pm start
State Library Theatre, Northbridge
Full Circle First Birthday Book Launch
Presented by WA Climate Leaders in collaboration with Beaufort Street Books.
Tuesday May 24, 2022
6pm for 6.30pm start
State Library Theatre, Northbridge
In mid February I spoke to Simon Katterl on the underrated ‘Rules to Reality’ podcast.
That time me and Saffron Zomer from Australian Democracy Network were interviewed for a good half hour on state capture, with the quite legendary Phillip Adams on Late Night Live. Listen here and pass it on 🙂
We are increasingly aware our politics have been captured by lobbyists and industries, so what can we do about it?
‘The Activist’, they called it. Recruit half a dozen social justice campaigners and save the planet–type people and make them compete against each other in a reality TV format for US media conglomerate CBS.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is slowly dying in a UK prison, as the US maintains its fight to have him die in theirs – but there is hope.
Show Your Working is a regular column exploring how some of our favourite writers get things done. This month, we take a peek into the writing routine of former senator turned author Scott Ludlam.
Grateful for the chance to speak to Late Night Live legend Phillip Adams right after launching Full Circle.
A couple of friends are admiring a two-foot section of steel pipe with an odd reverence; encrusted with welded spikes of rebar and scrap metal, it clearly has an important part to play in whatever is being done here.