we need to talk about peace again
We’re in an age when ambition is called for. And it just may come in the shape of a 32,000 tonne ocean liner.
We’re in an age when ambition is called for. And it just may come in the shape of a 32,000 tonne ocean liner.
The belief that Australians aren’t concerned with the political system betrays a deep disconnection.
Adam Greenfield’s ‘Radical Technologies’ is an essential guide to the tech revolution
My office uses census data practically every day, and until recently, most Australians trusted the process. That’s why #censusfail is so distressing.
Peak nuclear has passed. There’s no science to support an Australian nuclear industry.
The Australian government can’t safeguard Putin’s data. That means yours isn’t safe, either.
END OF YEAR SENATE SPEECH TO GET A FEW THINGS OFF MY CHEST. I rise tonight to thank and acknowledge all of those people around the country who are providing the real opposition to the Abbott Government. If it’s your view that democracy is just about putting a piece of paper in a box once every few years and hoping for the best, then you’re really leaving that concept of opposition to the politicians who file in here for 19 weeks of the year.
ON OCTOBER 19 I WAS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ‘MEN OF LETTERS‘ in Sydney – an occasional departure for the wonderful women of letters team. Ten of us were invited to write a letter to a woman who changed our lives. This was mine.